Saturday, July 2, 2011

Celebrating Electric Carnation and TDF

I made a decision today!  Life should be a celebration and I am going to try and celebrate it every day.  The hard part is going to be remembering to do this every day.

Today is a triple celebration!  First part of the celebration will be making a trip to the airport to pick up my daughter who is coming to visit for a week.  We only get to see her a couple of times each year so this makes today a great day to celebrate.

The next thing to celebrate is some more beautiful fibers from Electric Carnation.  Not long ago I received some glorious fiber batts that came in the mail all the way from South Africa.  They were made with some of the softest merino wool that I have ever touched.  The first batt was Nebulae which was a very rich looking black with touches of brown and accented with the most glorious magenta and lots of silver sparkle hologram Angelina.  It was so beautiful and so soft that I had to order some more of it.  You know it has to be good when I am willing to pay the shipping all the way from South Africa.

The other batt was Sunrise on Titan, a luxurious creation running from a tangerine orange on one edge to a beautiful deep lime green on the other edge.I can hardly wait to spin these.  I am hoping te rest of the fiber is waiting at the post office for me to pick up this morning.  I wasn't home yesterday when our mailwoman came by and left me a note that said that a package was awaiting my signature.

The third thing to celebrate is the chance to spin all this beautiful fiber for the 2011 Tour De Fleece which starts today.  For those of you who do not know what the Tour De Fleece is:  for the last few years during the Tour De France bicycle race, hand spinners all around the world spin the wheels and twirl their spindles while the bicyclists spin the wheels of their bicycles.  What better way to start out a life celebration!

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